Media release

Strike Force Halberd - Twelve Months On


Twelve months after the launch of Strike Force Halberd, Officers have made a total of 407 arrests for domestic and family violence related incidents in Alice Springs.

Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Dash said the strike force had cleared 1,123 domestic violence offences, submitted 893 prosecution files and issued 294 Domestic Violence Orders (DVO).

“In line with keeping people safe, Alice Springs Police will continue to target those who engage in domestic violence. In particular, Police will target those repeat offenders who continue to perpetrate violence upon family members. Domestic violence is a blight on our society and will not be tolerated.

“Strike Force Halberd is committed to managing recidivist offenders to ensure they comply with their DVOs and Alcohol Protection Orders.

“This dedicated strike force works alongside other agencies to ensure that there is improved support for victims so they don’t become victims again.”

Strike Force Halberd is supported by the work of the Family Safety Framework - providing a multi-agency case management approach to assisting with domestic violence victims and the SupportLink Referral Management Service.

“Domestic violence will not be tolerated and we encourage members of the public to take a stand against this unacceptable behaviour and report all acts of domestic violence to the Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000,” Detective Senior Sergeant Dash said.