Media release

Stolen Motor Vehicle - Six Youths Charged - Darwin


Strike Force Trident Detectives have charged six female youths in relation to a stolen Suzuki Swift involved in a series of traffic and property offences.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Mark Bland said the six youths, two aged 13, two aged 16, a 14 and 15-year-old allegedly stole the vehicle from Wagaman early yesterday morning.

“Police allege the youths were involved in a fuel drive off at a service station on Wishart Road and used the vehicle to ram a residential fence in Karama.

“Trident Detectives located the vehicle abandoned in Millner yesterday afternoon and arrested a 13 and 14-year-old.

“The four remaining youths were arrested a short time later at a residence in Alawa.”

The youths were charged with a number of offences including:

Aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle

Drive motor vehicle while unlicensed

Damage to property


Breach of bail.

They will appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on Friday, 1 August.