Media release

Public Assistance Required - Darwin City


Northern Territory Police are requesting public assistance to identify the offenders in an act of gross criminal damage.

Sergeant Len Turner from the Darwin Police Station said a man was captured on security cameras urinating over food items in a shop on Mitchell Street.

“At about 4.15am on the morning of Sunday, March 30, three men entered the convenience store, one man has walked to the shelves where groceries are stocked for sale and proceeded to urinate over the items.

“A second man appears to act as a look-out while a third could have been possibly recording the act on his phone.

“Police are appalled by this behaviour and are requesting public assistance to identify these men.”

Sergeant Turner said the actions of these individuals were disgusting and uncivilised.

“They have shown total disregard for any members of the community or the business owner who was forced to throw away an estimated $300 worth of stock.”

Anyone with information, or who can identify these men, is urged to call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.