Media release

Police crackdown on youth crime Alice Springs


Police have provided an increased presence in and around the CBD, with a focus on targeting young people on the streets at night.

Assistant Commissioner Jamie Chalker said police have increased their presence at night time to crackdown on youth crime.

“We have used, and will continue to use, a combination of high profile push bike patrols, foot patrols, plain clothes investigators, a General Purpose Dog and CCTV images to focus on the CBD and actively engage with youth on the streets.

“We are working closely with our partners at the Department of Children and Families and Tangentyere Youth and Night Patrol to tackle the issue.

“Police have been proactive in identifying young people at risk and using the Supportlink referral system to advise other agencies.

Strike Force Vega Detectives have charged two 14-year-old males in relation to the aggravated assault and attempted robbery of a 23-year-old woman.

“The woman was riding her bicycle along Leichhardt Terrace around 9:40pm on Monday when she was approached by the youths.

“It is alleged that one youth kicked the bicycles front wheel forcing the victim to stop and a second youth took hold of her bag and attempted to steal it while the first youth commenced assaulting her.

“A passing vehicle disturbed the youths and they fled the scene.

“Detectives from Strike Force Vega arrested the youths yesterday and they were charged with aggravated assault and attempted robbery.”

They will appear in Alice Springs Youth Justice Court today.

“Police will continue to arrest and charge young people who have committed offences and violent or intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated.”

“The combination of school holidays and the close proximity of public holidays has realised an increased presence of youth in town at night time.

“Families must take responsibility for the reasonable control of their children but particularly during these holiday periods. It is sad that the youths involved in the activities over the long weekend are now in custody and facing serious criminal charges. This shameful reality falls squarely on the shoulders of the parents and guardians of these kids.

“We have increased activity planned to ensure the CBD and surrounds are able to be enjoyed by the general public as we celebrate this Anzac Day long weekend however we will be taking a very firm line with the assistance of our partner agencies to ensure youth are under adequate supervision or we will make the relevant referrals to ensure parents do what they ought to do,” Assistant Commissioner Chalker said.