Media release

Police to crack down on irresponsible recreational vehicle use - Alice Springs


Alice Springs Police are concerned the use of unregistered and uninsured recreational vehicles in public areas around town will result in serious injury if people continue to act in an irresponsible manner.

Sergeant Conan Robertson from the Southern Traffic Operations Unit said many people were unaware of the risks they were taking.

“While Police understand people love recreational vehicles in Central Australia, it must be remembered that even a minor crash is capable of causing serious injuries.

“The number of people utilising public areas on unregistered and un-roadworthy vehicles without any safety equipment is extremely disappointing.”

Sergeant Robertson said members of the public should be aware that all public spaces were subject to the Traffic Act.

“People who drive under the influence, drive or ride unregistered vehicles or are unlicensed are liable for prosecution and can face substantial fines.

“Quad bikes and motor bikes are motor vehicles and need to be registered and insured before they can be used in any public places or on public streets.

“This is the responsibility of the riders or, if they are children, it is up to the parents to make sure what they are doing is legal as well as safe for them and any other people who may be in the area where they are riding.”

Sergeant Robertson said Police are not out to spoil any fun but to ensure people act in a safe and responsible manner.

“Areas including the Ilparpa clay pans and crown lands surrounding Alice Springs will be targeted over the coming weeks.

“Please keep your quads and unregistered, uninsured motorbikes on private property and reduce the risks to yourself and your loved ones by using appropriate safety equipment.”