Media release

Operation Elva


Northern Territory Police Drug and Organised Crime Squad Members have seen the successful conclusion to Operation Elva.

Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Board from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad said the four month operation had shut down a drug trafficking ring distributing cannabis to remote communities.

“Seventeen people in total have now been arrested and charged with multiple offences in relation to these activities.

“One and a half kilograms of cannabis has been seized and removed from the streets.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Board said the actions of Police had closed off a supply chain that was extensive and had willing contributors across top end communities.

“It is important we send a message to these people that it is not worth it and you will be caught.

“We understand these drugs were being sold for maximum profit and now these 17 offenders are before the courts explaining their actions to a Magistrate.”

Police will continue to target offending of this nature and urge anyone with information on the supply of drugs into remote communities to call Police on 131 444 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.