Media release

Operation Crossroads


Today marks the start of the seventh Operations Crossroads, a twelve day nationwide campaign to reduce trauma on our roads this festive season.

Commander David Proctor from the Traffic and Operational Support Command said the ANZPAA coordinated operation will run until Saturday 3 January 2015, and will raise awareness on the fatal five; drink and drug driving, speeding, fatigue, distraction and seatbelts.

“Police will be out in force to emphasise that risky driving is not only socially and morally unacceptable, but also carries serious consequences.”

The Christmas period last year saw one fatal crash in the Territory and 36 across Australia and New Zealand.

“Christmas is a time for celebrating with family and loved ones, not a time for grieving and making funeral arrangements,” said Commander Proctor.

“The message is simple: Don’t drink or drug drive, slow down, wear your seatbelt, pay attention, don’t drive when fatigued and plan rest stops during long journeys.

“If you are out on our roads this holiday season, I urge you to think about your actions. Let’s all work together to make it a safe and Merry Christmas and New Year.”