Media release

Northern Territory Police support Daffodil Day


Tomorrow, Northern Territory Police Officers will be sporting Daffodil Day pins to show their support for the Cancer Council NT and Daffodil Day 2014.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Payne said NT Police were keen to support the Cancer Council NT.

“Daffodil Day is about showing that we care about beating cancer. Officers across the Territory will be wearing a pin and helping to take another step closer to the defeat of cancer.

“This is the first step to what we hope will be an ongoing partnership with the Cancer Council NT and we encourage people Territory wide to buy a Daffodil pin or product this Daffodil Day and support the worthwhile cause,” he said.

Daffodil Day is officially tomorrow, August 22 and the CEO of the Cancer Council NT, Kathy Sadler wants all Territorians to get behind the day.

“Daffodils and Daffodil Day products will be on sale all across the Northern Territory and we hope to raise $90,000 here in the NT.

“We’re very pleased to have the support of the Northern Territory Police Force to promote this event and all funds raised in the Territory will stay in the Territory and support Territorians, and their families, with cancer.

“The very sad but real truth is that 1 in 2 Australian men and 1 in 3 Australian women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85 and cancer is the leading cause of death in Australia.

“But it’s not all doom and gloom. More than 60% of people diagnosed with cancer in Australia will survive more than five years after diagnosis and the survival rate has increased by 30% in the past two decades.

“This is largely due to the vital funds raised through events such as Daffodil Day,” Ms Sadler said.

Daffodil Day pins and merchandise can be purchased at a range of locations, including shopping centres and the Smith St Mall.