Media release

Multimillion-dollar drug seizure - Palmerston


Two men are to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court today following the seizure of more than 65kg of cannabis, firearms, fireworks and large amounts of cash in Palmerston last week.

Superintendent Tony Fuller said Police conducted searches on a storage shed, two hotel rooms and a home in Woodroffe on Thursday and Friday.

“In one seizure approximately 65kg of cannabis was located in 144 individual ‘pound’ bags ready for sale along with a large amount of cash. A further search located more cash and cannabis, two firearms and three large boxes of fireworks.

“In total, Police seized $133,000 worth of cash, believed to have been proceeds of crime.

“On Friday, a 51-year-old South Australian man was arrested in a hotel room and the second man, a 30-year-old, was arrested at a home on Sibbald Crescent in Woodroffe.

“If sold in Darwin, these drugs could easily fetch up to $800,000. If sold in remote Territory communities, however, these drugs could fetch at least 10 times that amount.

“It is satisfying to see a major drug supply chain disrupted and these drugs taken off the market.

“This is a significant seizure for Northern Territory Police and we warn any other would-be offenders that Police will continue to target illicit drug suppliers throughout the whole of the Territory,” Superintendent Fuller said.

Both men were charged with:

Possess cannabis – commercial quantity

Supply cannabis – commercial quantity

Receive property – commission of offence.

The 51 and 30-year-old were remanded in custody.