Media release

Methamphetamine Arrest - Darwin


Police from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad, Gangs Taskforce and Dog Operations Unit have seized 56 grams of methamphetamine from a passenger arriving at Darwin Airport.

Detective Sergeant Matt Akers said a 40-year-old woman was arrested yesterday.

“The woman was searched following a positive reaction from Drug Detection Dog Yeti.

“Police will allege the methamphetamine was discovered hidden on her person.”

She has been charged with possess and supply a commercial quantity of a schedule one dangerous drug and remanded to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court today.

Detective Sergeant Akers said Police were investigating a possible link to an outlaw motorcycle gang.

“These people are driven by profit only and do not care what destruction is left in their wake.

“This is a significant seizure and a warning to people who conduct themselves in this manner that they will be arrested and they will face court.

“We ask that anyone with information on the supply or possession of dangerous drugs to please contact Police on 131 444 or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”