Media release

Hit and Run -Fatal - Renewed call for witnesses


Police have renewed their appeal for the driver of a vehicle involved in an alleged hit and run of a 9-year-old boy earlier this afternoon to come forward.

Commander David Proctor, Traffic & Operational Support Command, said the boy was riding his BMX bike along Deveron Circuit when he was allegedly hit by a vehicle fitting the description of  Toyota Hilux dual cab ute at around 3.45pm. 

“The Major Crash Investigations Unit is continuing investigations and we are appealing to the driver of the vehicle involved to come forward but also drivers of similar vehicles to come forward or contact police so that we can eliminate them from our investigation,” Commander Proctor said.

Commander Proctor said the Major Crash Investigation Unit was intensifying their search for the vehicle and any help they can get in quickly eliminating similar vehicles would be of great benefit.

“We are actively seeking this vehicle and we will find it, it’s only a matter of time, but the more quickly we can narrow down our search the better.  That is why we are appealing to people with similar vehicles to contact us to assist in the progress of this investigation,” Commander Proctor said.

Police are also urging anyone who may have seen the incident or have any information about the vehicle involved to call Police on 131 444 or CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000.