Media release

General Purpose Dog Apprehends Three


The NT Police General Purpose (GP) Dog Allo was involved in the apprehension of three offenders early this morning for stealing from several motor vehicles parked at the Dinah Beach Boat Ramp.

Senior Sergeant Angela Stringer said Dog Operations Unit members attended the Boat Ramp following reports of interference with vehicles.

“Police arrived to witness one male interfering with a vehicle who then fled and a further male and female in the vicinity who also ran from the scene.

“Allo tracked the male and female and located them at the end of a nearby street. Allo then returned to the interfered vehicle, picked up the scent of the third offender and pursued him.

“The main offender was located with stolen property and Police retraced the path of all offenders to recover stashes of stolen property.

“GP Dogs are an integral part of the Police arsenal and this again highlights their effectiveness. You may be able to run, but you can not hide.”

The offenders have been charged with:

Trespass (x3)

Unlawful Damage Property (x3)

Stealing (x3)

and bailed to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court on 14 April 2014.