Media release

Flood Warning - Adelaide River


Adelaide River Police are working with residents of Adelaide River to prepare for possible flooding in the wake of heavy rains in the region.

The Adelaide River at the township has exceeded the Major Flood Level of 12.3 metres, and is currently holding steady.

“The Counter Disaster Committee met early this morning and the Local Counter Disaster Plan has been implemented with preparations well underway,” said Regional Controller of the Region 2 Counter Disaster Planning Committee, Commander Michael White.

“The community is well prepared for this type of weather event, and residents have been assisting one another to prepare their homes.

“A number of streets in the township have been inundated with water. Local police have been liaising with the public, and residents of Memorial Terrace, Dogherty Street, Swannell Street and the top of Becker Street have been preparing their homes since early this morning.  Thankfully, no homes have been affected, and the river is now holding steady.

“Where possible, we urge motorists to avoid the area if travel is non-essential. The Stuart Highway near Adelaide River has water over the road in some areas, and we urge motorists to exercise extreme caution and drive to the conditions if travel in the area is unavoidable. Never attempt to enter or cross flooded roadways.

“In addition to road safety, it is important that the public realise the risk associated with flooded rivers and creeks. Never swim in flood water, pipes or drains.  Flood waters pose a real threat of drowning, and there is the added risk that there may be unseen 'live' and dangerous electrical wiring or fallen powerlines in or around the water which may be hidden by debris. There is also a chance that flood waters may be contaminated by sewerage outflows.

“With the rising water levels, it is also important to remember to be crocwise, as with all this water around, crocodiles are on the move,” said Commander White.

Further information about how to prepare can be found at or by speaking to the local police.

For the latest Bureau of Meteorology Advice go to:

For more information on crocodile safety go to: