Media release

Flood Advice – Daly River


The Regional Controller of the Region 2 Counter Disaster Planning Committee advises that the river level at the Daly River Police Station is currently around the watch point (12.0m) and slowly rising.

The Bureau of Meteorology have advised that rainfall totals in excess of 150mm in some areas of the Daly River catchment over the last two days is resulting in river rises at many sites in the catchment, with water starting to flow through the lower Daly River.  River levels are likely to continue to rise during the week.

Regional Controller, Commander Michael White said the latest flood advice from the Bureau of Meteorology predicts the water level is expected to reach the Minor Flood Level (12.6m) on Monday afternoon.

“The Daly River reached the Minor Flood Indicator level this morning, and the Bureau of Meteorology have issued an Initial Flood Warning for Daly River.

The Region 2 Counter Disaster Planning Committee have been active over the past couple of days, meeting regularly and monitoring river heights in the area due to the significant rainfall in the region.

“This morning’s meeting confirmed the Initial Flood Advice for the Daly, and we have therefore activated stage 1 of the Daly River Flood Plan as a precautionary measure.

 “The community is well versed in procedures required for this type of weather event, and planning is well underway to prepare the community for what may be required in the coming days. 

“At this stage, this is very much a watching brief and we will be liaising constantly with the Bureau of Meteorology and others as we closely monitor the next couple of days.

“This is a whole of Government response and we are constantly monitoring and reassessing the situation. Whilst there is nothing to suggest that we will need to evacuate the community at this point in time, plans are well practiced for this region and will be activated if necessary,” said Commander White.

“Local residents should ensure they stay informed by attending community meetings and talking with Local Counter Disaster Committee representatives.

“While there is no need for alarm, members of the public do need to be alert, listen to ongoing advice, consider their options and make the necessary preparations to keep their families and their property safe.

 “I again urge drivers to carefully consider their options before trying to cross any flooded roadways. Trying to predict the water depth or not being able to see if the road is still intact could have fatal consequences.

“It is also imperative that people remain vigilant regarding croc awareness and other dangers, including submerged objects and floating debris in flood waters.

Further Flood Information:

The Adelaide River continues to recede and BoM have cancelled the Flood Advice for the Adelaide River.

A Flood Watch remains current on Gorge Road, Katherine.

For up to date River height and rainfall information go to:

Further information about how to prepare can be found at: or by speaking to the local police.

For the latest Bureau of Meteorology Advice go to:

For more information on crocodile safety go to: