Media release

Fishing Party Rescued – Shady Camp


Police again advise of the importance of checking tide times and weather conditions following the rescue of an injured man at Shady Camp.

Senior Sergeant Paul Faustmann of the Water Police Section said at approximately 7am yesterday a fishing party in a five metre vessel became stranded due to the outgoing tide, approximately 200m downstream from the boat ramp.

“Police were alerted to the incident by another stranded vessel in the area. At this time it was stated that a 39-year-old man on board had injured his leg on the boats propeller.

“Water Police and Humpty Doo Officers as well as St John Ambulance members attended the area.

“Members utilised an airboat however due to the conditions, weren’t able to reach the stranded men.

“Humpty Doo members drove a vehicle near to the boat and waded through thick grass and knee deep mud to rescue the man.”

The 39-year-old was conveyed to Royal Darwin Hospital where he remains in a stable condition.

The rest of the fishing party were assisted by nearby fishermen and returned to the boat ramp.

“This area is well known for its high population of large crocodiles and if it weren’t for the men staying calm, the neighbouring stranded vessel who contacted Police and the quick response of attending members, this could easily have had a very different outcome,” Senior Sergeant Faustmann said.