Media release

Drugs and Alcohol Seized - Arnhem Highway


Police have seized over 500grams of cannabis and arrested three people during an operation targeting the supply of drugs and alcohol into Arnhem Land.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Mark Malogorski said members from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad and Northern Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk conducted traffic apprehensions on the Arnhem Highway during 16 and 17 October.

“Police apprehended a 71-year-old man and conducted a search of his vehicle. Police located and seized 1,409 clip seal bags of cannabis.

“If sold in a remote community Police estimate the cannabis could have fetched around $49,900.

“He was arrested and charged with possession of a trafficable quantity of cannabis and unlawful supply of cannabis.

“In a separate incident Police apprehended a 63-year-old man and conducted a search of his vehicle. Police located and seized 60 grams of cannabis divided into 70 small clip seal bags.

“If sold in a remote community Police estimate the cannabis could have fetched around $7,000.

“The man was arrested and charged with possession of a trafficable quantity of cannabis and supply cannabis to another.

“Police also arrested a 52-year-old man after he recorded a breath alcohol reading (BAC) of .179%. He was charged with failing to stop when called upon and drive high range BAC.

“In total Police seized 587grams of cannabis and 3.3 kilograms of kava and destroyed 15 litres of spirits and five cartons of beer.

“Police issued 10 Notices to Appear for drug offences, three Notices to Appear for low range drink driving offences, eight Traffic Infringement Notices for various traffic offences and seized two vehicles for drug offences.

“Police will continue to target alcohol and drug traffickers and warn those who choose to engage in this unlawful activity - you will be caught.”