Media release

Drug Seizure - Darwin


Drug and Organised Crime Squad members have charged a 45-year-old man, a 25-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman after allegedly discovering methamphetamine, MDMA and cocaine at Darwin Airport terminal.

Detective Superintendent Tony Fuller said it is believed the 25-year-old man had flown from Brisbane into Darwin and was for the purposes of distributing these dangerous drugs; he was met at the airport by the other male and female.

“A search of the man’s backpack revealed approximately 160 grams of methamphetamine, 1800 MDMA pills and 28 grams of cocaine.

“A further search was conducted on 45-year-old man’s residence where Detectives seized:

22 grams cocaine,
3 grams methamphetamine,
2.48 grams MDMA,
Digital scales,
a number of mobile phones, a laptop and other drug paraphernalia.

“Police will continue to target people who intentionally cause harm in our community through illicit drugs,” Detective Superintendent Fuller said.

The two men have been charged with:

Possess cocaine – Trafficable quantity – Public place
Supply cocaine
Possess MDMS – Commercial quantity
Supply MDMA – Commercial quantity -
Possess tainted property

Bail has been refused and they will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court on 8 December.