Media release

Drowning Death - Wadeye


NT Police responded to a call for assistance from a group of Wadeye residents who attempted to cross a channel flooded by the incoming tide yesterday evening.

The group of seven males were attempting to cross the channel between Docherty Island and the Wadeye coast after their vehicle became bogged.

Superintendent Kylie Proctor said one member of the group made it to shore and raised the alarm. A search and rescue response was initiated by Police with the assistance of local residents.   

“Police located four males in the vicinity of the Wadeye coast clinging to a forty-four gallon drum.  The group were rescued and conveyed to a waiting Ambulance for assessment. 

“Tragically, the two remaining members of the group were located deceased in the early hours of this morning.”

Investigations are ongoing as Police prepare a report for the coroner.