Media release

Drivers putting children's lives at risk - Alice Springs


Police from the Southern Traffic Operations Unit have been frustrated by two incidents of speeding vehicles in school zones over the past two mornings.

Sergeant Conan Robertson said both drivers were also under the influence of alcohol when apprehended by Police.

“This behaviour is beyond reprehensible, it is potentially horrific.

“Other road users, pedestrians, parents and school children are entitled to feel safe inside a school zone.

“While we encourage constant vigilance on our roads it is foolish behaviour such as this that increases the risk of a very serious incident occurring.”

Sergeant Robertson said the first incident occurred at 9am on Memorial Avenue yesterday.

“A 28-year-old woman was apprehended after being detected travelling at 55 KPH in a 40 KPH school zone.

“She returned a breath analysis of .077.

“Her vehicle also had a smashed windscreen which would have reduced her visibility considerably.

“She was charged with medium range drink driving, drive unlicensed, drive unregistered motor vehicle and drive unsafe motor vehicle.”

Sergeant Robertson said a second incident this morning also had the potential to turn deadly.

“At 8.25am a 52-year-old male driver was detected travelling at 51 KPH in a school zone on Grevillia Drive.

“He was directed to pull over by Police but continued to drive past.

“The man has turned down a side road, stopped and attempted to flee the area on foot.

“He was arrested and returned a breath analysis of .185.

“The man was charged with high range drink driving, driving with a disqualified licence, drive unregistered vehicle and failing to stop for Police.

Sergeant Robertson said both incidents could have been tragic had they not been stopped by Police.

“When you combine this behaviour with an environment where there are lots of pedestrians, many of them children, the vehicle is like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.

“Police will continue working to keep people safe and we will be focusing on speeding and drink driving in school zones throughout the Territory.

“Tomorrow is Fatality Free Friday and it is important that people consider the consequences of their actions before driving, only by working together can we prevent people losing their lives on our roads.”