Media release

Domestic Violence Offender Arrested - Central Australia


Police from the Northern Territory and South Australia have worked in partnership to arrest and charge a 25-year-old man wanted in relation to an aggravated assault.

Detective Superintendent Brent Warren said the man allegedly assaulted a 24-year-old woman on 30 August 2014 in Mutitjulu and then fled over the border into South Australia.

“Staff from the Cross Border Domestic Violence Intelligence Desk tracked the male to a community in far northern South Australia.

“He was arrested in Kalka by South Australia Police on 4 November 2014 and transported to the Northern Territory.”

He was charged by Yulara Police with aggravated assault and warrants (x2). He was remanded to appear in Alice Springs Magistrates Court today.

“The Cross Border Justice Act (CBJA) operates across three Australian jurisdictions, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia. The CBJA enables Police to exercise powers no matter where the offender may be,” Detective Superintendent Brent Warren said.

“This is a great example of how Police and Intelligence Analysts from South Australia and the Northern Territory are working closely together to ensure that violent offenders are located and arrested from anywhere in the cross border region.