Media release

Criminal Deception Charges - Darwin


Detectives from the Fraud Unit have charged a man with 25 counts of criminal deception following an investigation into his activities during 2010 and 2011.

Detective Senior Sergeant Karen Sanderson said the 50-year-old man is alleged to have deceived a 44-year-old female Belgian national out of several hundred thousand dollars.

“Police will allege the man used various means to obtain payment for services he failed to deliver after promising to help the woman obtain residential status in Australia.”

“With assistance from the International Crime Co-operation Central Authority in Canberra, Australian Federal Police in the Netherlands, Belgian and Finnish Police we were able to charge the man with criminal deception yesterday.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Sanderson said members of the public should always conduct appropriate checks and confirm credentials before making payments to unknown people or entities.

“Unfortunately, criminals will continue to target the vulnerable and trusting, often with devastating results for the victims.”

The man has been given notice to appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court on June 2, 2014.