Media release

Cannabis Supply Ring Shut Down - Katherine


Drug and Organised Crime Squad Detectives, working with Northern Substance Abuse Desk Officers, have arrested two people alleged to be involved in the sale of cannabis to remote communities.

As part of an ongoing operation, a 29-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman were arrested near Pine Creek yesterday.

Police will allege 200 grams of cannabis was found in their vehicle by Drug Detection Dog Leo.

Officer in Charge of the Drug and Organised Crime Squad, Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Board, said Police believe the cannabis was destined for Katherine before being distributed throughout the surrounding areas.

“As a result of the arrests both alleged offenders have been charged with possess and supply a trafficable quantity of cannabis.

“The 29-year-old woman has been further charged with possess and supply a commercial quantity of cannabis.

“Police will allege the woman was involved in the supply of 1.3 kilograms of cannabis in October 2013.

“Detectives have also seized their late model Toyota Landcruiser and will seek forfeiture.

Detective Senior Sergeant Board said people who think they can make easy money by supplying cannabis in remote areas should reconsider.

“You will be caught, you will be charged, you will have a criminal record and you will lose your assets.

“Police will continue to target these people with every resource at our disposal, including drug detection dogs, roadside checkpoints and clandestine operations.

“The residents of communities targeted by these people can also assist Police by phoning 131 444 or by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report anyone dealing drugs in their area.”

The man and woman have been bailed to appear in the Katherine Magistrates Court on May 1.