Media release

Cannabis Seizures - Wadeye


Police from the Northern Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk (NSAID), Remote Community Drug Desk (RCDD) and the Dog Operations Unit (DOU) have seized 60 grams of cannabis at Wadeye airport.

Sergeant Ken Bradshaw said a 19-year-old woman was arrested following a positive reaction from Drug Detection Dog Leo.

“As a normal part of NSAID and RCDD Operations, aircraft landing at remote communities are screened to check for the possible importation of alcohol and drugs.

“In this case the young woman was identified by DDD Leo as a suspect and further searches uncovered 86 clip seal bags containing cannabis.

“She has been charged with possession of a trafficable quantity of cannabis and supply a dangerous drug to a community.”

Sergeant Bradshaw said a man had been arrested the day before in the same town for the possession of cannabis after warrants had been executed.

“Wadeye Police and our members arrested a 31-year-old male after 33 deal bags of cannabis were allegedly found at his residence.”

Sergeant Bradshaw said NSAID and RCDD Operations will continue to target people who engage in drug supply into remote communities and exploit people for profit.

“Both the offenders were looking to allegedly sell the cannabis for up to $100 a bag.”  Sergeant Bradshaw said.