Media release

Cannabis Seizures - Drug Detection Dog Yeti


Drug Detection Dog Yeti had a busy day yesterday at Darwin Airport, locating more than a kilogram of cannabis in two separate concealments.

Drug and Organised Crime and Dog Operations Unit members were conducting screening of freight and baggage travelling to Nhulunbuy when Yeti provided a positive response.

Acting Senior Sergeant David Young said members searched the bag and located four packages of cannabis which weighed a total of 1.814 kilograms.

“The owner of the bag was arrested while waiting for his flight. The 38-year-old male was charged with possess cannabis – commercial quantity.

“The total amount of cannabis seized is valued at $181,400 if sold in Nhulunbuy or surrounding communities.

Yeti went on to search freight heading to Tiwi Islands and provided a positive reaction to a blue chiller bag.

“Two containers were found with irregular weight and further inspection revealed a small amount of cannabis.

“Investigations are continuing regarding the source and intended recipient.

“Police and Drug Detection Dogs will continue to actively target flights, passengers, freight and vehicles travelling to NT remote communities” said Acting Senior Sergeant Young.