Media release

Cannabis Seized - Darwin Airport


Police have charged two people and seized 176 grams of cannabis during a routine search of passengers and baggage on a flight to a remote community yesterday.

Detective Acting Superintendent Peter Schiller from the Drug and Organised Crime Division said Drug Detector Dog Astra provided a positive result to a bag belonging to a 30-year-old woman.

“Police located 56 grams of cannabis wrapped in silver duct tape and hidden amongst clothing.

“The woman was arrested and charged with possess cannabis – trafficable quantity and unlawfully supply cannabis to another.

“Drug Detector Dog Astra also gave a positive reaction to a 32-year-old man. Police located and seized 120 grams of cannabis concealed inside the man’s pants.

“He was arrested and charged with possess cannabis – trafficable quantity and unlawfully supply cannabis to another.

“He will appear in Groote Eylandt Court on 16 July.

“Police estimate that if the cannabis was sold in a remote community it could have fetched around $17,600.”