Media release

Alleged crime gang arrested - Darwin


Northern Territory Police have arrested four people after an operation targeting them concluded near Coolalinga on the weekend.

Detective Senior Sergeant Karl Day said the men, aged 31, 33, 37 and 41, were tracked by interstate law enforcement agencies to the NT earlier this month.

“We will allege these men have been responsible for up to 65 cases of theft from Automatic Teller Machines in four states.

“This operation culminated with a vehicle apprehension by Officers from the TRG on the Stuart Highway approximately two kilometres from the Coolalinga shops.

“Search warrants following the arrest resulted in high-tech surveillance equipment and various tools being seized.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Day said the men currently remain in custody.

“Our interstate colleagues will be keen to speak with these people once they have faced charges here.

“The detection and arrest of such a sophisticated interstate crime gang operating in the Northern Territory will hopefully act as a deterrent for others who may incorrectly consider the NT to be an easy target.”