Media release

Alcohol and drugs bound for remote communities seized - Darwin


Members from the Northern Substance Abuse Intelligence Desk have conducted searches at Darwin Airport resulting in several separate seizures of drugs and alcohol.

Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Joseph Carbone from the Drug and Organised Crime Squad said one person was arrested and four people have been issued ‘Notices to Appear’ following searches of luggage and passengers travelling to remote communities.

"We are constantly conducting such searches and people should be aware of this!”

With the assistance of Drug Detector Dogs April, Cougar, Topper and Biggles, Police located:

12 kilograms kava

102 grams of cannabis

700ml Jim Beam

“The Northern Territory Police are committed to reducing the effects of alcohol and illicit drugs in our communities across the territory and will continue to target these offenders”

If any members of the public has information in relation to drugs or alcohol in remote communities please contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.