Media release

Youth Charged - Nightcliff


Members from Strike Force Trident have charged a 16-year-old female with assaulting a Police Officer and property offences following a stealing incident in Nightcliff.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the youth entered a service station on Progress Drive and allegedly stole a number of meat pies at around 11:45pm 19 August.

“The alleged offender returned to the premises at around 1am and used a squeegee to break a store window after she was refused entry.

“Police located and arrested the youth a short time later. The offender allegedly spat twice at Police with spittle landing on the arm of a member.

“She has been charged with stealing, unlawfully damage property and assault a member of the Police Force.”

She was remanded in custody to appear in Darwin Youth Justice Court on 23 August.