Media release

Unlawful Entry and Stealing - Durack


Members from Strike Force Trident have arrested four women, two aged 20 a 41 and 49-year-old in relation to a stealing incident in Durack.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the 49-year-old woman allegedly stole a Toyota Kluger from a residence in Moulden Saturday evening 11 May.

“The alleged offender then collected the other three women and drove to a drinking establishment in Palmerston where they have befriended two men aged 28. The amorous group then returned to the men’s residence in Durack.

“At the residence Police alleged the group consumed more alcohol and cannabis until the two men passed out. The women then stole a number of items including two samurai swords, flat screen TV, a Playstation, an Xbox console and alcohol and loaded it in the back of the stolen Toyota.

“Police located the group driving the stolen vehicle and arrested the four women. The stolen property was retuned to the owners.”

Both 20-year-old women were charged with aggravated unlawful entry, aggravated unlawful use of motor vehicle, stealing and drug offences and will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court 24 May.

The 49-year-old woman was charged with the same offences and remanded in custody. She will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today.

The 41 year old woman was charged with the same offences and bailed to appear on 24 May.

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer warned, “The obvious lesson to be learnt from this incident is be very selective who you invite into your house, they may not be the person you think they are.”