Media release

Unlawful Entry and Stealing - Charges - Malak


Members from Strike Force Trident have charged a 19-year-old man in relation to an alleged unlawful entry and stealing incident in Malak yesterday morning.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the offender allegedly unlawfully entered the residence and stole a Toyota Camry sedan at around 2:30am.

“A 28-year-old man tried to stop the alleged offender from stealing the vehicle and has hit him a number of times with a small axe. The offender has then reversed the vehicle at speed and struck the victim with the car door. The victim sustained injuries and was conveyed to hospital.

“The offender fled the scene and was later arrested by Police in Gray.

“He was taken to Royal Darwin Hospital and received treatment for lacerations to his head.

“He was later released into Police custody and charged with the following offences:

Aggravated unlawful entry


Aggravated unlawful use of motor vehicle x 2

Aggravated assault

Damage to property

Drive while disqualified x 2


Interfere with a motor vehicle.

“He was remanded in custody and will appear in the Darwin Magistrates Court today.

“It’s a good result to get this guy into custody. We will not tolerate this type of dangerous behaviour. Let it be a warning to all the other thieves out there, we know who you are and we will lock you up.”