Media release

Unlawful Entry and Stealing Charges - Darwin City


A 19-year-old man will appear in Darwin Magistrates Court today charged with a series of unlawful entry and stealing charges.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the offender allegedly unlawfully entered a broadcasting station on Cavenagh Street and a business on Bennet Street on 28 April.

“He has allegedly stolen 10 Bass in the Grass tickets, five cab charge tickets, several sets of car keys and a small amount of money.

“The man was arrested by members from Strike Force Trident yesterday and remanded in custody.”

He has been charged with stealing (x4), unlawful entry (x3), unlawful damage to property (x3), possess stolen property and trespass on premises.

“This is another good result. Not only is it alleged he broke into the premises and stole property but he caused about $11,000 worth of damage doing it,” Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said.