Media release

Unlawful Entries - Stuart Park


Detectives from Strike Force Trident are investigating a series of unlawful entries in Stuart Park.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the unknown offenders unlawfully entered two residences in Westralia Street early Friday morning and two residences in Duke Street early Saturday morning.

“The offenders also stole a number of items including laptop and Xbox, an iPod, keys and cash.

“Three of the four residences unlawfully entered were unlocked at the time of the offence. I urge everyone to ensure their homes and vehicles are properly locked and secure and ensure valuables are stored in a safe place.”

Police urge anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area between the 8 and 9 November, or anyone with information, to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.