Media release

Two Charged with Property, Traffic Offences - Casuarina


Strike Force Trident Detectives have charged two males aged 14 and 20 in relation to a number of property and traffic offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said the two offenders allegedly unlawfully entered a residence in Gray and stole a Holden Commodore sedan on Monday 14 October.

“Trident members located the stolen motor vehicle exiting a car park at Casuarina Shopping Centre on 15 October at around 10am, when the pair were approached by Police.

“The 20-year-old driver reversed the vehicle at speed through the crowded car park and down a one way lane through the taxi rank to avoid Police.

“The driver struck a pole causing damage to the left panel of the vehicle before accelerating at speed through a red light at the intersection of Trower Road and Vanderlin Drive.

“Police located the abandoned vehicle in Moulden a short time later and arrested the pair at a nearby residence.”

The 20-year-old was charged with a number of offences including:

Unlawful use of a motor vehicle (x2)

Drive manner dangerous

Recklessly endangering serious harm

Drive a motor vehicle whilst unlicensed

Proceed beyond a red light

Not stop after crash

Fail to obey direction by Police Officer

Aggravated unlawful entry


The youth has been charged with:

Unlawful use of a motor vehicle (x2)

Trespass on enclosed premises (x2)


Both will appear in court in Darwin on Friday 18 October.

Police urge anyone who may have witnessed this incident near the K-Mart entrance at Casuarina Shopping Centre on Tuesday,15 October to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.