Media release

Trident Arrest Youths - Darwin


Members from Strike Force Trident have arrested four female youths, two aged 14, 12 and 15 in relation to a series of unlawful motor vehicle offences.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said a 12 and 14 year old allegedly drove a stolen Toyota Avalon to a service station in Casuarina and filled the vehicle with petrol before driving off on 9 May.

“The two alleged offenders have then driven a stolen Toyota Camry to a service station in Malak to fill the car with petrol before driving off on 12 May.

“The 14-year-old picked up the other three offenders and drove the stolen Camry to Palmerston yesterday. It appears the driver has lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a sign along Tilton Avenue.

“The offenders ran from the vehicle in the direction of a near by car park where they were swiftly apprehended and arrested by Police.”

The 15-year-old and 14-year-old have been charged with of unlawful use of motor vehicle.

The 12-year-old has been charged with unlawful use of motor vehicle (x2), and the other 14-year-old has been charged with unlawful use of motor vehicle (x2), criminal damage and traffic offences.

They were remanded in custody and will appear in the Darwin Youth Justice Court on Friday.

“To have young females running around stealing cars is very concerning to Police. To add insult to injury it’s alleged that one of the youths gave staff a rude hand gesture after stealing petrol from there,” Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said.