Media release

Trident and MPG target bail offenders - Darwin


Strike Force Trident with assistance from members of the Metropolitian Patrol Group have arrested 25 people during an operation targeting repeat offenders on bail.

Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Stringer said checks were conducted on targets for night time bail curfews and alcohol and drug prohibition curfews across Darwin. 105 bail checks were conducted between 13 and 16 March.

During the operation 14 people were arrested for breaching bail, three people were arrested for traffic offences and two were arrested for possession of trafficable quantity of Methamphetamine. 

“Several violent offenders were also arrested for assault causing serious harm, robbery and assault with intent to steal.

“The remaining arrests were for a range of offences including unlawful entry, stealing, criminal damage and assault.

“The people targeted in this operation were repeat offenders on bail for serious offences. They were granted bail after agreeing to abide by conditions such as night curfew’s, abstinence from alcohol and illicit drugs, and regular reporting to Police. It just goes to show the contempt these crooks have for the law when they won’t even abide by their bail conditions.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Stringer said, “A warning to these people. This particular operation may be over but you can continue to expect us to knock on your door and wake you up at all hours to make sure your home and not out breaking the law.

“I urge anyone with who may have information about alleged offenders who have breached their bail conditions or failed to appear in court to contact Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000.”