Media release

Strike Force Vega Update - Alice Springs


Investigators from Strike Force Vega continue to crack down on property crime in Alice Springs making more than 280 arrests in the past nine months.

Detective Superintendent Brent Warren said since the inception of Strike Force Vega in February there have been 285 arrests, 1,214 offences cleared and 96 warrants of apprehension issued.

“Investigators have made a further six arrests this week including a 15-year-old male allegedly involved in a series of unlawful entries across Alice Springs.

“Police allege the youth unlawfully entered five homes and two businesses and stole several vehicles, electronic devices, money and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to property.

“He has been charged with a range of property offences including aggravated unlawful entry of a building, criminal damage, stealing and unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

He has been bailed with strict conditions to appear before the Alice Springs Youth Court on 18 November 2013.

“This is a great result and it is a testament to the hard work by Alice Springs Police who are focussed on reducing property crime,” Detective Superintendent Warren said.

“Members of the community can also help by ensuring your homes and vehicles are locked and store your car keys and valuable items in a safe place.”

If you see any suspicious behaviour or would like to make a report to Police please contact 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.