Media release

Regional Operations Easter Campaign - Operation Quantum


Police will be out in force in Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs for the duration of the Easter long weekend focussing on the harms associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Operation Quantum will focus on those intent on consuming alcohol illegally across regional Northern Territory.

“This operation is driven and undertaken by the Northern Territory Police Force to raise awareness of the harms associated and to attempt to reduce the prevalence of alcohol in the incidents we are called to respond to over such holiday periods,” said Assistant Commissioner Jamie Chalker.

“It is our hope that this initiative will reduce the likelihood of families and friends having to deal with the grief and trauma associated with the loss of a loved one from either a fatal road crash, serious assault or as a result of an alcohol fuelled domestic violence homicide.

“These are the realities of what police officers deal with in the Northern Territory and sadly, there remains strong resistance in some quarters to the role alcohol plays in such matters.”

The operation will be highly visible and is aimed at ensuring the amenity of each community is maintained to encourage local residents to get out and about and enjoy their respective towns and surrounding areas without having to deal with the issues that accompany the excessive consumption of alcohol in public places.

“We are committed to demonstrating to the community that Police are actively trying to deal with the harms associated with alcohol when it is clear that excessive consumption leads to community dysfunction, increased pressures on community services, and a subsequent rise in negative comments being directed at our regional towns. This ultimately hurts residents, local business and tourism in our region.

“I don't underestimate the challenge ahead for us and our communities but I fully intend to ensure our available police resources are deployed to enhance service delivery, reduce crime and ultimately Keep People Safe.

“Despite the views of some, we cannot arrest our way out of this issue and I welcome the support of all within our community to get behind initiatives designed to control alcohol availability and thereby the associated harms,” concluded Assistant Commissioner Chalker.