Media release

Police Turn Up the Heat in Summer Crackdown


Alice Springs Police are preparing a series of targeted operations moving into the summer months.

Commander of the Southern Command Kate Vanderlaan said historically during the warmer months there is an increase in the number of people travelling to Central Australia.

“November through to January reveals statistical increases in crime and alcohol fuelled violence.

“As we transition into summer, Police will conduct numerous operations targeting alcohol related anti-social behaviour, property related crimes, domestic violence and traffic offences.

“These operations will involve members from General Duties, Public Order Unit, Southern Investigation Division and Traffic Operations Unit.

“Dedicated Investigators from Strike Force Halberd and Strike Force Vega, which target domestic and family violence and property crime respectively, will also continue to operate over summer.

“As one of the fist major operations, Police breath tested over 1,200 drivers during a series of targeted road blocks in Alice Springs last night.

“Police established a number of roadblocks around Alice Springs targeting drink driving, traffic related offences and the transportation of liquor into Alcohol Protected Areas.

“During the operation 1,279 motorists were breath tested, six people were arrested, nine Traffic Infringements Notices and one Drug Infringement Notice were issued.

“Two vehicles were issued with Defect Notices and 400 litres of liquor was seized and destroyed.

“These results are disappointing however Police would like to reassure the public that we will continue to crackdown on those who engage in this type of illegal behaviour.

“I encourage members of the public to report any concerning or suspicious behaviour to Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”