Media release

Police Re-capture Escapee - Darwin


A 21-year-old man has been re-captured by Police after fleeing custody at the Darwin Supreme Court this afternoon.

It is alleged that the offender, who was awaiting sentencing, assaulted a Supreme Court Guard and fled custody at around 3.05pm.

Watch Commander Bob Harrison said that Police immediately saturated the area and pursued the offender to the ship yards at Frances Bay.  He was re-captured within 30 minutes.

“Thank you to the members of the community who assisted Police by providing details on the direction of travel of this male, who fled on foot from the Supreme Court.

“He had a bit of a head start, but it didn’t take long to pick up his trail, and with the assistance of the public, coupled with the support of our CCTV operators, we were able to re-apprehend the offender without incident in record time.

The male will now be returned to the custody of Corrections and further charges will be pursued.