Media release

Police Fire and Rescue Service urge all Territorians to stay safe on cracker night


Northern Territory Police and the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service want all Territorians and visitors to take a moment to consider your own safety and the safety of others while enjoying Territory Day.

Fire crews will be on full alert and expect to respond to over 100 calls for assistance across the Territory due to fires caused by fireworks.

Police warn that the igniting of fireworks outside the approved 6pm to 11pm timeframe will not be tolerated and on-the-spot fines of $288 will issued to anyone letting crackers off outside these hours.

Superintendent Megan Rowe from Katherine Police said two youths, a male and female aged 17 were fined this morning and $800 worth of fireworks were seized after they were caught lighting crackers in Katherine East.

“While Police were dealing with this incident a group across the road decided it would be a good idea to also discharge some fireworks so a further 3 people, all males aged 17, 21 and 22 were fined and $1300 worth of fireworks seized.”  

“Fireworks are classed as dangerous goods and precautions are in place regarding their sale and use for this reason.”

Superintendent Rowe said anyone witnessing fireworks being let off outside permitted hours is asked to contact Police on 131 444.

District Officer Robert Trewartha from the Northern Territory Fire and Rescue service said people should follow some basic safety tips when letting off their fireworks.

“Be aware of the weather conditions and understand that fire can take hold very quickly when the wind is blowing.  Keep a hose or bucket of water handy to extinguish small fires before they get out of control.

“Light fireworks in a clear area free of nearby combustible material.

“Keep an eye on children and keep them a safe distance from the crackers.

“Be aware your pets do not like fireworks and take necessary precautions to keep them settled.

“Ensure fireworks are used in a manner that is safe and as intended and take measures to ensure they do not tip over.  Placing them in sand can eliminate this threat.

District Officer Trewartha said extra crews will be on duty and the simple message is stay safe.

“Everyone should enjoy Territory Day but we would like people to help us reduce the risk of injury or fires by acting in a safe and responsible manner.”