Media release

Overdue fishing party - Tiwi Islands


Northern Territory Police are currently conducting an air and sea search for an overdue party of fishermen from the Tiwi Islands.

Senior Constable Wade Rogers from the Water Police Section said they had received information that a party of three males from the community of Nguiu had not returned to the islands.

“Police understand the party had gone fishing in a dingy to the Vernon Islands on Sunday.  It is believed the group travelled as far as Casuarina Beach where they refuelled before heading for home.

“An initial search by family members has failed to locate them.  The matter was reported to Police on Monday and a search by aircraft was conducted late on Monday afternoon.

“The missing vessel is described as a 4.9m unpainted aluminium dingy with a 40hp Mariner outboard motor." 

Senior Constable Rogers said that Police have launched a comprehensive air and sea search for the missing group today.

“Police Air Wing, vessels from the Water Police, Police Officers from both Melville and Bathurst Islands, volunteer members from the Northern Territory Emergency Services and Tiwi Sea Rangers are actively searching at the moment for the fishermen.”

Police request that any persons who may have sighted the vessel on Sunday or Monday to please contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.