Media release

Operation Unification - National Crackdown on Illicit Firearms


Australian Assistant Commissioners for Crime met in Melbourne today to launch Operation Unification – Illicit Firearms, a two week operation which aims to get illicit firearms out of the hands of criminals.

This joint nationwide crackdown on illicit firearms by police, supported by Crime Stoppers and led by the ANZPAA Crime Forum is being run from 24 May 2013 to 7 June 2013 across all State and Territories in Australia.

Illicit firearms are weapons that are illegally imported or manufactured in Australia, stolen from registered owners and, or may be used in criminal activities. 

According to an Australian Crime Commission report, it is estimated that around 1500 firearms are stolen each year, with relatively few of these recovered. This presents an ongoing concern for police jurisdictions, as are the links to organised crime. 

Assistant Commissioner Crime and Specialist Services Reece Kershaw said that it was in the best interest of community safety to get illicit firearms out of the hands of criminals.

“The assistance of the community is vital.  By providing anonymous information to Crime Stoppers, you will be helping us to get illicit firearms off the streets,” said Assistant Commissioner Kershaw.

“The social ramifications of organised crime and illicit firearm activity on the community are a serious and ongoing concern for police.

Operation Unification is part of a broader range of measures by police jurisdictions in their response to tackling illicit firearms activity across Australia.

“Firearms that are not stored securely are at risk of being stolen and falling into the hands of criminals.

“If you have any information about illicit firearms, speak up and help us get these weapons off the streets,” concluded Assistant Commissioner Kershaw.

Everyone in the community is being encouraged to anonymously contact Crime Stoppers hotline on 1800 333 000 or go to with any information about illicit activity with regards to firearms.