Media release

Operation Juno Wraps Up - Katherine


Police have arrested 14 people, taken 238 people into protective custody and destroyed 352 litres of alcohol during Operation Juno, an intelligence led strike on anti-social behaviour in Katherine.

Superintendent Matt Hollamby of the Darwin Metropolitan Command said 15 Darwin based officers travelled to Katherine to provide support to the community leading into Christmas.

“The intelligence-led, proactive and highly visible Police operation commenced on 28 November and targeted alcohol fuelled public order offending, domestic violence, outstanding warrants and drink driving.

“During the operation Police issued 173 Liquor Infringement notices and 105 Banning Notices.

“A total of 465 motorists were breath tested, Police also issued 19 Traffic Infringement Notices including two for low range drink driving.

“Operation Juno wrapped up on Saturday 7 December. It was a big effort by the Police involved and was well received by the Katherine community.

“The whole purpose of the operation was to reduce crime and public order issues in Katherine and we achieved that objective.

“Police will continue to crack down on anti-social behaviour and maintain a zero tolerance approach towards this type of offending during the festive season in Katherine.”