Media release

Operation Firangi - update - Tennant Creek


Tennant Creek Police have made further arrests as they continue Operation Firangi.

The operation targets property crime, violent crime and anti-social behaviour in Tennant Creek and surrounds.

Detective Sergeant Andrew Bedwell from the Tennant Creek Investigation Unit said high visibility Police patrols had been actively discouraging anti-social behaviour and providing a reassuring presence for community members.

“One of these proactive patrols was provided information in regard to the sale of illegal liquor and numerous persons were intercepted in possession of alcohol well after the closure of all licensed premises.

“Follow up investigations by Police led to the arrest of a 57 year-old man who was alleged to have been selling alcohol from his residence.

“The man was charged with one count of supply liquor without a licence.  Four bottles of wine, a bottle of whiskey and eight cans of beer were seized.”

Detective Sergeant Bedwell said a proactive investigation targeting drug activity had also resulted in an arrest.

“30 grams of cannabis was seized from an address in Ambrose Street and a 66 year-old man issued a drug infringement notice for possess cannabis.

“Police have a zero tolerance attitude towards drug and alcohol offences and warn potential offenders that this type of behaviour will quickly bring you to the attention of Police and a date with the courts.”