Media release

Operation Firangi - update - 2 Tennant Creek


Five weeks into Operation Firangi Tennant Creek Police warn residents there will continue to be a no tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour and alcohol and drug offences to help reduce crime within Tennant Creek and the Barkly region.

Detective Sergeant Andrew Bedwell from the Tennant Creek Investigation Unit said a 22 year-old man will be the 29th person to front court since the start of the operation.

“Police will allege this man contravened a domestic violence order and breached bail conditions.  Our patrols were on the scene very quickly but when taking the man into custody he has resisted arrest and assaulted Police.

“He will also face a charge of armed with an offensive weapon at night.”

Detective Sergeant Bedwell said the high visibility patrols had been successfully targeting offenders and making Police more available to people who require assistance.

“Drugs and alcohol is the central contributor of harm in the community.  Operation Firangi members will continue to defend the victims of alcohol fuelled violence and will target alcohol related offending, especially recidivist offenders and the people who wish to take advantage of others through the illicit sale and distribution of drugs or alcohol.

“The majority of offenders who have faced court have done so for domestic violence, unlawfully causing harm to others and property crimes.

“It is unfortunate that many of the people we have arrested continue the type of behaviour that bought them to the attention of Police in the first place.

“It is these recidivist offenders that we are actively targeting in an effort to keep potential victims safe.”

Operation Firangi will continue into September.