Media release

Operation Dalton Rains on Offenders - Katherine


Police have arrested 30 people as part of a special wet season operation in Katherine.

Sergeant Ian Kennon said the nine day long operation was developed to target anti-social behaviour and alcohol related offending leading into the Easter period.

“Historically during the wet season, there is an increase in the number of people travelling to Katherine from outlying communities. This, coupled with the Easter long weekend, creates an increase in alcohol related offences and anti-social behaviour,” Sergeant Kennon said.

“The operation has been a success with Police attached to the operation making 30 arrests for various offences and non-compliance with court orders.

“One person was summonsed, 13 Traffic Infringement Notices and five Defect Notices were issued for traffic related offences. A further 115 Infringement Notices were issued for anti-social behaviour in and around the Katherine CBD. 

“Police also tipped out more than 1,500 litres of alcohol during the operation.

"Police will continue to target anti-social behaviour and alcohol related offending in Katherine,” Sergeant Kennon said.

Anyone wishing to make a report to Police should phone 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.