Media release

Operation Crossroads - Easter Campaign


This Easter long weekend, the Northern Territory Police have one task in mind – Keeping People Safe.

Focussing on road safety, Operation Crossroads kicks off tomorrow night.

Commissioner John McRoberts APM said that road users are not the only target this Easter. Running alongside Operation Crossroads is Operation Quantum, which will target public order across the Territory.

“During the Easter holiday period, road users are traditionally at a high risk of road crashes due to the increased volume of traffic on our roads.

An analysis of crash data in Australia reveals that the main causes of fatalities and serious injuries in crashes are known to be speeding, drink/drug driving, inattention, restraint non-compliance and fatigue.

“While not all these result in crashes – we know that dangerous drivers are clearly over represented in serious road trauma and unnecessarily put other road users at risk,” said Commissioner McRoberts.

In addition to amplified traffic operations, Police will also be targeting anti-social behaviour and alcohol-fuelled violence over the Easter long weekend focussing on the harms associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

“Across the Territory we have launched Operation Quantum to run concurrently with Operation Crossroads.  Our commitment in regional centres is to provide a highly visible police presence aimed at reducing alcohol-fuelled violence.

“Anti-social behaviour will not be accepted in Darwin and surrounding areas either, and we have beefed up our Public Order patrols over Easter with the intent of enforcing a ‘no tolerance’ approach to anti-social behaviour, public drinking and nuisance drunken behaviour. 

Waterways will also be policed this Easter long week end, with Water Police out in force, focussing on water safety and fishing enforcement in a number of popular spots.

“With visitor numbers to popular recreational fishing spots increasing over Easter, we encourage those of you planning a camping or fishing trip to plan ahead, ensure you have all of your safety gear and please enjoy this Easter break responsibly.

“It is our charter to Keep People Safe, and this Easter, we hope to minimise the grief and trauma associated with the loss of a loved one from either a fatal road crash, serious assault or as a result of alcohol fuelled violence,” concluded Commissioner McRoberts.

Operation Crossroads and Operation Quantum will run concurrently across the Territory throughout the Easter period.