Media release

NT Police monitor bikies run


Northern Territory Police are monitoring members of the Rebels outlaw motorcycle gang (OMCG) as they make their way through the Northern Territory this week.

Ten members were intercepted at Adelaide River yesterday morning as they headed south. Drug Detection Dogs were utilised and members from Traffic Operations conducted road side breath tests. No offences were detected.

Detective Senior Sergeant Peter Schiller said Police understand they will join members travelling from Queensland today on their way to a national gathering in Perth.

“We expect there may be up to fifty riders staying near Three-Ways tonight and heading into Alice Springs tomorrow.

“As always we will be adopting a zero-tolerance approach to the activities of all OMCG members travelling in the NT.

“Police will be working with licencees to ensure that the new ‘no-colours’ condition is enforced in all licensed premises.”

Detective Senior Sergeant Schiller said communities south of Three-Ways can expect to see increased motorcycle traffic over the next few days.

“I would like road users to be aware of the extra motorcycle traffic on our roads.

"I also urge the community to work with Police and report any suspicious or known illegal activity by phoning 131 444.”