Media release

Missing Woman Carlie Sinclair – Investigation Update


Detectives from Operation Samburu today executed a search warrant at a premises in Parap, as they continue their search for missing woman Carlie Sinclair.

Acting Commander Tony Fuller of the Crime and Specialist Support Command said that just because the case had not been at the forefront of the media does not mean that the dedicated team of Detectives had stopped investigating this matter.

“Since the day the matter was reported to Police a team of investigators has been working on this case. We have not stopped and will not stop.

“We continue to follow up on a number of matters and revise the evidence, statements and information we have already collected looking for new leads to act on.

“We are determined to find Carlie and any person or persons that may have been involved in her disappearance,” said Acting Commander Fuller.                                            

Ms Sinclair was last seen on the evening of Tuesday 18 June and has not been heard from since.

Police continue to hold grave concerns for the welfare of Ms Sinclair and urge any person who has information to call Police on 131 444, or they may make an anonymous call to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.