Media release

Media Release - Northern Territory Counter Disaster Council 'no notice' exercise


Department heads from across a number of government agencies have spent the day preparing for a disaster.

Convened by the Territory Controller, Commissioner of the Northern Territory Police and CEO Fire and Emergency Service, Mr John McRoberts APM, Counter Disaster Council members were called to attend a ‘no notice’ notional exercise this afternoon, bringing together a number of Chief Executive Officers at short notice.  

The strategic aims of the exercise are to enhance the Counter Disaster Councils' (CDC) ability to plan and coordinate arrangements that are necessary to prevent, minimise or overcome the effects of an emergency arising in any community in the Northern Territory.

“As Territory Controller, I have an obligation to the people of the Northern Territory to ensure high level emergency management arrangements are in place, and to test our capability in disaster response,” said Commissioner McRoberts.

"This exercise aims to enhance stakeholder understanding of the activation of the Counter Disaster Council in the initial stages of a response to an emergency. 

“By assessing start-up and call-out procedures of the CDC members and validating their knowledge of planning arrangements, and understanding their roles as members of the CDC, the community can be confident that they are in good hands if and when the threat of a disaster presents.

The Counter Disaster Council is also responsible for all briefing arrangements to the Chief Minister.